In today’s market, it’s hard to find a multichannel retailer that hasn’t experienced the pains associated with at least one supply chain challenge.
Category: Supply chain

From Supply Chain To Value Chain: A Look Into Supply Chain Optimization For Amazon Aggregators
With one foot in e-commerce and the other in capital markets, Amazon brand aggregators are raising billions of dollars with the goal of creating new household names and products, while adding increased value to shoppers.

Surface CX Is No Longer Enough: Why Great Customer Service Requires a Great Supply Chain
Customer experience, or CX as it’s also known, is generating a lot of buzz in the ecommerce world — and for good reason. Recent data shows that some 86% of customers say they are willing to pay more for a great experience. But with a whopping $1.6 trillion lost in the US every year due to poor customer service, many brands still struggle to get it right.

How do you pick the right fulfillment strategy?
Your business is booming, sales are increasing, your brand is expanding… but now what? It’s time to get the logistics in place to make your customers happy with fast and efficient order fulfillment. While it may not be the most glamorous part of the e-commerce world, delivering your product on time is an important part of the consumer’s experience…

Supply-Chain Is Boring for 97% of Online Retailers
Supply chain increases competitiveness and will contribute to customer satisfaction but professionals still find it boring.
Research shows that 97% of online retailers find supply-chain-related subjects boring. Okay, the statistics might be false, but I’m sure it’s about right. Logistics, inventory, freight, trucking, warehousing—these are all very dull subjects that nobody wants to deal with or read about. But, unfortunately, they are critical for any retail business and a mandatory topic, especially in these weird Coronavirus days.
With a regular...